Case: creation of the site of the managing company “Zhilkomservis” to post information about the company’s activities, mode of operation and contact phones, as well as the introduction of administrative and legal regulations on the site, on the basis of which the activities of the MC “Zhilkomservice” are carried out. In addition, a private office was implemented with the possibility of submitting readings of cold and hot water meters in on-line mode. Based on the information provided (administrative legal acts, photographs), a site was created that meets all the requirements of the Customer.

- strict interface of the site, using author’s photographs and photographs of houses in the management of the Criminal Code “Zhilkomservis”;
- disclosure of information on the activities of the Criminal Code “Zhilkomservis” in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 № 731;
- realization of the possibility of on-line submission of information on cold and hot water meters using the personal cabinet of the tenant on the site;
- convenient interface, flexible possibility of changing and adding new administrative and legal regulations;
- installation of an SSL certificate (a cryptographic protocol that provides secure transfer of data) and translation of the site to https – an advanced data transfer protocol that supports encryption.
The management company “Zhilkomservis” carries out the whole range of housing and communal services, working in St. Petersburg since 2004. In the management of the housing estate “Zhilkomservis” there are 10 apartment buildings in St. Petersburg. Detailed information about each is on the pages of the site.
The site of “Zhilkomservis”: